- Fixed an issue where past feeding records could be displayed on the widget in certain situations.
- Fixed a bug where an unnecessary sleep type confirmation dialog appeared in certain situations.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
- Added a feature to duplicate a record with the current time.
: Long press on a record to display the menu.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
- Hidden the urine item icon in the weekly pattern added in the previous version.
- Added icons to the pee items in the weekly pattern.
- Saving public diary entries now fails if too many emojis are included.
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Added icons to the pee items in the weekly pattern.
- Saving public diary entries now fails if too many emojis are included.
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Added a photo capture method for attaching photos in the activity record.
-Fixed an issue where errors could occur after restoring archived records
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Improved co-parenting synchronization issues when app data is restored.
-Other bug fixes and improvements.
-Support for navigating by selecting dates on the statistics and graphs screen.
-Improved issue where statistics in interval patterns were not displayed.
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Modifications for GDPR compliance for users in Europe or the UK.
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Improved compatibility issues with hunger notifications on Android 14
-Improved date and time formatting
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Added "AD" label above ad space in the record editing screen
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Extended the maximum display period for anniversaries up to the 5th birthday
-Improved the chart that only displayed time in minutes
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Improved image quality when viewing photos attached to records and diaries
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Improved operation of formula/milk volume input dialog in stopwatch
-Support for split saving settings based on 0:00 (midnight) in the edit screen of Record A, B
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Added a help button for sleep statistics on the sleep edit screen
-Fixed an issue causing errors in certain situations during sign-up
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Improved an issue where a modified diary may not be reflected in the diary list in certain situations
-Detailed error messages for communication errors
-Other bug fixes and improvements
-Improve syncing on Watch with co-parenting situations
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Add weight input help in diaper edit screen
-Fix bug that empty diaper weight is not saved
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support the weight of diaper record
-Increase the maximum time of the tummy record
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support icon color for medication record
-Support the British English
-Add help to the tummy time edit screen
-Change the layout of the diary options menu
-Increase the maximum duration for Custom A, B to 20 hours
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Add milk info to the Growth Analysis Report
-Support the target amount for the pumped breast milk
-Support the stopwatch for the tummy time
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Fix bug of Milestone feature
-Add Milestone checklist feature
-Growth-related function menus are grouped and managed on the "Growth and Health Management" screen
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Fix bug where the breastfeeding time may be incorrectly displayed on the widget when the co-caregivers change the record
-Fix the bug displayed as 0 when entering left and right sides of the pumping
-Prepare for the function of refreshing hunger notification and Wearable (Watch) when co-caregivers change records
: This feature only applies to some users first.
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Fix bug of 2x1 widget size in Android 12
-Support adjusting 5 minutes by long-pressing 1 minute button
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Fix bug of night sleep range setting in Android 11
-Add standard growth curve button to Growth Report
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support Galaxy Watch4 app
: You can install it from the "Apps on your phone" on the Play Store app of Watch.
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Add chart for Play and Snack
-Support entering amount for Snack
-Support including Snack amount to Total Feeding Amount chart
-Add the count of diaper change to the diaper chart
-Improve others
-Fix the crash related to the diary photo
-Improve the oz unit for weight calculator
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support lb+oz unit for baby weight calculator of diary
Show medicine icon in Weekly chart
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support setting for long-touch of Diaper button
: You can set it in the edit screen of diaper record.
-Improve title bar of activity edit screen
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve "End Time" in Activity Edit
-During End Time display, the duration changes by adjusting the start time
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Remove birthday from user info on sign up
-Improve layout of zoom-in activity list
-Add terms and privacy menu to Settings
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support setting for diary permission of co-caregivers
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve record list (e.g., poo color, food name, play title)
-Support tracking U.S. vaccination (only U.S.)
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Remove Facebook SDK (use only Facebook Login)
-Increase touch area of sync button on widget
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve Health Record Info (photo, poo interval chart)
-Show breastfeeding position in Recent record info (1 line breastfeeding item, pumping item)
-Fix bug of cursor position in Quick Memo
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve security
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support Apple ID account
-Fix bug when attaching photos
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Save last sub item of chart (order changed)
-Add medicine item to Widget items settings
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Provide setting for hunger alarm(mute, sound, vibrate)
-Provide additional setting for hunger manual interval
-Support to attach HEIF (HEIC) images
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve MusicBox error dialog issue
-Hide the photo attached to diaper record
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support Android 10
-Support the Dark mode (Only if supported by the device)
-Improve usability of adding caregivers
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve monthly lists display in the Export screen
-Support email verification
: for email account and SNS account without email
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve date picker for birthday
-In the pattern screen, you can turn on only one button or all buttons by holding down the button.
-You can also use different toggle status for each pattern type.
-Support setting of 24h format.
-Fix bugs and improve others.
-In the pattern screen, you can turn on only one button or all buttons by holding down the button.
-You can also use different toggle status for each pattern type.
-Support setting of 24h format.
-Fix bugs and improve others.
-Support "Both at the same time" for pumping
-Hide items with no data in daily stats
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Remember the last used tab in Pattern
-Optimize data sync in Pattern
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve zoom in/out operation for Growth Chart
-Improve reporting operation
-Fix lullaby name
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve the editing screen(layout, readability)
-Increase the number of QuickButtons limit
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support customizing Stat/Chart tab list
-Change default value for sleep stat method (keep the value for updated users)
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Show days on the large widget (4x2)
-Add setting for baby days calculation
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve quick memo in Edit screen
-Support the past diary mode
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support chart for the total amount of feeding
-Show poo icon in Weekly pattern
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Support Snack and Play record
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Add Temperature, Medicine, and Health records information
: If you customized the buttons, you need to set it again.
-Support 24h style format
: It depends on your phone settings
-Fix bugs and improve others
-Improve account management
-Prevent accidental additions of records
-Fix bugs
v3.7.5-커뮤니티 추가(메뉴서랍에서 실행)-기타 수정 및 개선~v3.7.4-성장 분석 보고서 기능 추가: 메뉴 서랍에서 "성장 분석 보고서"를 실행-자동 동기화 기능 추가: 앱 실행시 공동양육자가 변경한 내용이 있으면 자동으로 동기화 함.-수면 통계에서 0시 기준으로 잘라서 각각 당일과 다음날로 계산하는 방식 추가-내보내기 기능 추가 (설정-데이터 내보내기)-동기화되지 않은 항목 표시 (항목 이름이 빨간색)v3.6.0-클라우드 버전으로 업그레이드 :공동 양육자 기능, 실시간 백업, 여러 아기 관리 지원-구 버전(v3.5.1 이하)을 지우지 마시고 그대로 업그레이드 하시면 데이터가 정상적으로 업그레이드 됩니다.***문제 발생시, 메일로 기기명과 증상을 알려주시면 해결하는데 큰 도움이 됩니다. (설정→정보→개발자에게 문의)***
v3.7.4-성장 분석 보고서 기능 추가: 메뉴 서랍장에서 "성장 분석 보고서"를 실행하세요.-자동 동기화 기능 추가: 앱 실행시 공동양육자가 변경한 내용이 있으면 자동으로 동기화 합니다.설정에서 끌 수 있습니다.~v3.7.3-수면 통계에서 0시 기준으로 잘라서 각각 당일과 다음날로 계산하는 방식 추가-[다른아기는]에서 "최근에 공유된 일기 보기" 추가-공동양육자 목록에 계정정보 표시-내보내기 기능 추가 (설정-데이터 내보내기)-동기화되지 않은 항목 표시 (항목 이름이 빨간색)v3.6.0-클라우드 버전으로 업그레이드 :공동 양육자 기능, 실시간 백업, 여러 아기 관리 지원-구 버전(v3.5.1 이하)을 지우지 마시고 그대로 업그레이드 하시면 데이터가 정상적으로 업그레이드 됩니다.***문제 발생시, 메일로 기기명과 증상을 알려주시면 해결하는데 큰 도움이 됩니다. (설정→정보→개발자에게 문의)***